Virtually By Design

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

What is a virtual assistant, and how can they benefit my business?

A virtual assistant is a remote professional who can handle a wide range of tasks to support your business. They can save you time, reduce overhead costs, and increase productivity. Our virtual assistants at Virtually by Design specialize in various areas to provide tailored assistance for your unique needs.

How do I know which virtual assistant service is right for my business?

We offer a diverse range of services to cater to different business needs. To determine the right service, we recommend scheduling a free consultation with our team. We’ll discuss your goals and challenges, and together, we can identify the best solution for your business.

Are your virtual assistants experienced and qualified?

Absolutely. Our virtual assistants are highly experienced and skilled professionals in their respective fields. We carefully select and train our team to ensure they meet the highest standards of quality and competence.

What are the pricing and payment options for your services?

Our pricing is pretty straightforward and depends on the time required for our services:

  • Part-Time (20 hours/week): $750/month
  • Full-Time (40 hours/week): $1,500/month
How do I communicate with my virtual assistant?

Communication is easy and seamless. We utilize various communication channels, including email, phone, video calls, and project management tools. You’ll have direct access to your virtual assistant, ensuring clear and timely communication.

Still Have Questions?

Be sure to email our team at [email protected]



Consultation Hours:

Monday – Friday: 8:00am – 5:00pm MST

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Work illustrations by Storyset